POWER ZYME Granules is an innovation in Biotechnology research. A unique formula produced by mixing animal and vegetable products in scientifically controlled conditions in granular form to give you the optimum output.

Power Zyme is store house for numerous nutrients in available form. It is scientifically impregnated into user friendly soil-degradable granular formulation for better inoculation in the field. Hazardless and compatible with granular pesticides except which are of alkaline in nature.

These granules when applied to soil release nutrients in plant rhizosphere thus stimulate growth of beneficial micro organisms and provide nutritional support to plant at critical stages of growth. The application of Power Zyme Granules thus, becomes trouble-free and can be applied as basal dressing and top dressing in the standing crops.

Method of Application:

Power Zyme Granules should be applied @ 8 - 16 Kg for one acre i.e. 20 - 40 Kg per hectare for each application in the field crops. This should be uniformly broadcasted all over the field. For orchards Power zyme Granules should be applied @ 1 - 2 Kg for plants less than 3 years and 2 - 4 Kg for plants more than 3 years age.

Product Features :

  • Early germination.
  • Vigorous seedling growth.
  • Profuse primary and secondary root development
  • Higher nutrient uptake.
  • Increased soil microbial activity.
  • Better branching/tillering and increased foliage.
  • Reduction in the fruit and flower drop.
  • Better development of grains/fruits.
  • Increase in the size and weight of the grains/fruits.
  • Higher yield and better quality of the produce.
