JIOTEX product is an effective insecticide which is used for controlling household pests. Our offered product goes through the stringent quality check before delivery to ensure its best quality and to meet the guidelines laid by the industry. Jiotex is a broad spectrum public health and pest control product for controlling Flying Insect- Mosquitoes, Files, Bedbugs, Cockroaches, Fleas, Tricks, Crickets, Woodlice, Mite, Silverfish, Spider, Ants etc

As pre-emergence application.
Active ingredient Propoxur
Formulation 20% EC
Shelf - life Two years under normal storage conditions.
Available Packing 500ml, 1ltr and 5ltr.
Application As pre-emergence application.
Compatibility Compatible with commonly used household insecticide.

Mode of Action

Jiotex is an emulsifier concentrate containing propoxur a.i. 20% w/w balance emulsifier and solvents.

Product Features :

  • Rapid knockdown action
  • Safe to non-target animal and human beings
  • Long lasting residual effect.
  • Highly effectiveness
  • Very strong flushing action.
  • Excellent tank mix partner.

Recommendations for Use:

Crop Application dose / acre Pest
Household 1000ml for 40ltr water Mosquitoes, Flies, Ants, Bedbugs, Cockroaches, Ticks, Fleas, Silver fish, Spider, Mites, Woodlice, Crickets etc
