DT 36 is a combination of synthetic & oregano phosphate insecticide. Deltamethrin 1% + Triazophos 35% EC is a broad spectrum insecticide having contact & stomach action. DT 36 is to be used in accordance with climatic condition and approval of local authorities.

Active ingredient Deltamethrin + Triazophos
Formulation 1% + 38% EC
Compatibility Compatible with most insecticides, fungicides, etc.
Shelf - life Two years under normal storage conditions.
Available Packing 250ml, 500ml and 1ltr

Mode of Action

DT 36 is a broad spectrum insecticide with contact and stomach action with quick knockdown effect.

Recommendations for Use:

Crop Application dose / Ha Pest
Cotton 1250ml for 600-1000 ltr water Pink bollworm, Spotted bollworm, American bollworm, White fly
Brinjal 1250ml for 500 ltr water Shoot Fruit borer, Jassid, Aphid, Epilachna bettle
