CARTAP-4G is a non systemic insecticide which penetrates leaf tissues by translaminar movement. It is a systemic insecticide which having contact and stomach action on insect.

Active ingredient Cartap Hydrochloride
Formulation 4% GR
Compatibility Compatible with most insecticides, fungicides, etc.
Shelf - life Two years under normal storage conditions.
Available Packing 1kg & 5kg

Mode of Action

CARTAP-4G systemic insecticide with Stomach and contact action.

Product Features :

  • CARTAP-4G it has a quite different mode of action from that of other insecticides.
  • CARTAP-4G it is effective against insects mining in plants by its systemic action.
  • CARTAP-4G it can control insects resistant to other insecticides.
  • CARTAP-4G it has almost no effect on natural enemies of insect pests.
  • CARTAP-4G it is practically nontoxic to mammals.
  • CARTAP-4G it has a long persistent efficacy.
  • CARTAP-4G it can control almost all stage of insects.

Recommendations for Use:

Crop Application dose / HA Pest
Paddy 18.75-25kgs Stem borer, Leaf folder, Whorl maggot
Brinjal 1gm in 1ltr water Fruit & Shoot borer, Leaf miner
Cabbage, Onion,Cauliflower 1gm in 1ltr water Diamound back moth, Aphids, Thrips
Tomato 1gm in 1ltr water Fruit borer, Thrips
Potato, Citrus 1gm in 1ltr water Colorado beetle, Potato black cutworm, leaf miner
Tea, Grape 1gm in 1ltr water Thrips, Leaf roller, Leaf hopper,
Chilli 1gm in 1ltr water Thrips, Fruit borer
